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No More Assholes
Chantal Heide, the leading voice in Conscious Dating, helps singles hit the refresh button in the dating world with her sound advice and techniques offered up in No More Assholes. Through simple explanations and anecdotal stories, learn the science of attraction and human behaviour, avoid dating pitfalls, and attract the ideal relationship you want faster. Chantal leads ground-breaking seminars designed to teach women how to connect with themselves and others, including the kind of partner who will treat them with the utmost love and respect.Her seven steps are invaluable tools for life, not just dating. You’ll gain a greater sense of your own true worth and increased confidence knowing how to communicate what you want in a relationship, without the fear of sounding needy or unrealistic. From getting over an ex to conflict resolution once you meet the right person, Chantal teaches you how to find and keep a loving relationship that will satisfy your soul. She helps you understand human behaviour and recognize our amazing ability to create a fulfilling spiritual connection. Chantal skillfully sets you on a path of intimacy with yourself and teaches you how to engage with others in a way that opens the door to a deeply loving and lasting relationship. If you’re looking for a book that will enrich your love life “for life,” this is the one!

Fix That Shit
Motivational Speaker Chantal Heide helped you pick the right partner in No More Assholes, taught you how to keep little things from becoming big issues in After The First Kiss, and is now here to help unpack the emotional baggage you’ve been lugging around before it becomes a destructive force. Filled with the advice you need to rise above drama and become the emotional leader in your relationship, Chantal teaches you how to care for yourself and develop the ability to help your partner unpack too. You’ll create a relationship fortified against pain and fear and free from the fights that develop from misundstandings, and set the example for lasting, functional love.Whether you’re just starting out and seeking to avoid downward spirals or dealing with struggles that are decades old, you’ll learn the tools that help you calm your minds, avoid conflicts, communicate effectively, and come together with love and intimacy even after the biggest fights. It’s never too early or too late to break through hurt and anger and keep the magic of love at your fingertips. Are you ready to savor the happiest relationship you’ve ever experienced, filled with joy and appreciation? Then this is the guide for you.

Comeback Queen: Make A Triumphant Return To Dating After Divorce
Divorce isn’t a setback. It’s a wake-up call that the right man is still out there, waiting for you. Don’t let a broken heart keep you from finding him.It’s time to repair your heart and soul, purge your ex from your psyche, and get back on the dating wagon again.Learn how to shed hurt and anger so you don’t infect future relationships, how to rebuild self-esteem and redefine yourself, and how to step back into the dating world with confidence and the ability to attract the right partner. In this fun and informative book you’ll discover what red flags to avoid and how to see them before it's too late, and explore dating rules that let you stay in control.CHANTAL HEIDE is a Human Relations and communications expert with a successful practice, helping hundreds of clients learn how to find and keep a “magical” loving relationship. She is a public speaker, workshop leader, private coach, author, and frequent media contributor. Chantal is the author of No More Assholes – Your 7 Step Guide to Saying Goodbye to Guys and Finding the Real Man You’re Looking For, After The First Kiss - 7 Steps That Make Your First Year Together Ridiculously Awesome, and Fix That Shit - A Couples Guide To Getting Past The Sticky Stuff

Dating 101: Understanding the Drives, Behaviours, and Emotions Behind Love
Chantal is once again tackling the subject of love, this time taking on missing links in Sex Ed and filling in the gaps. Her goal: to create a generation of emotionally wise young adults, gifted with insight on how to avoid common relationship pitfalls.
By turning to the social sciences Chantal illuminates natural behaviour and shines a light on how today's cultural rules are creating dating mistakes from day 1. Using Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, and Biology as her foundation, she explains in plain English how to deal with issues people face when entering the dating scene.
No topic is off the table in this book as Chantal explains the roots of bullying, when to exchange a first kiss, and even how to deal with sexual misconduct.
Knowledge is power. Whether you’re a parent who wants the best relationship for their child or a young adult wanting to get it right before you get it wrong, this is the beginner’s guide you’re looking for when it comes to finding, building and keeping lasting functional love.

The Perfect Play: Learn How To Earn Her
It's time to find the woman you're looking for, so you can start creating the life you want.
Inside this book, you'll find the roadmap to a relationship that satisfies your desire for companionship, partnership, sacrifice, affection and understanding. If you feel love is a verb, practised in the things you do for each other, then my purpose is to help you find your perfect match. Everyone deserves a conflict-free, happy relationship filled with fun and peace. So zero in and attract the woman who'll build one with you. No "pick up artists" tricks. No wasting time on girls who take and run. No more broken hearts.
Instead, sound modern dating advice based on social science, including sociology, psychology, anthropology, biology, behaviourism, and mindfulness. All explained in plain English, with anecdotes and insights that help you understand how men and women can attract each other in new, healthier ways that help ensure relationships are sweeter and last longer.
If you want someone who'll appreciate your efforts, reciprocate your Goodness, and sacrifice alongside you, learn what it takes to excite her mind, heart, body, and soul.

Fix That Shit For Men: Getting Past The Sticky Stuff
How do you stop the cycle of fights to heal a relationship?
When you’re the blind leading the blind, overcoming hurt and anger and the fights they cause can seem like an impossible task. But Chantal Heide is here to make it easy for you with her simple steps that finally get you the relationship you’ve always wanted.
By teaching how to become an emotional leader using simple tools that are easy to implement, you’ll pave the way for long-lasting functional love.
Love and happiness aren’t as hard we’re conditioned to think, and it’s time to lean into the simple approach we should have been taught long ago.
Using Social Sciences like Psychology, Anthropology, and Biology, Chantal will show you how to hack your body and mind and implement tools that get you from fights to fight FREE.
Are you ready to experience the love of your life? To develop deep intimacy that makes you smile on a daily basis? To relax into the knowledge that you’re solid, close, and functioning well together as a team? Then this is the book for you.